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The main Hook of the library that acts as a controller for all other Hooks and components.


Call the Hook inside a component.

function App() {
  const {refs, floatingStyles} = useFloating();
  return (
      <div ref={refs.setReference} />
      <div ref={refs.setFloating} style={floatingStyles} />


The Hook accepts an object of options to configure its behavior.

  // options


default: 'bottom'

The placement of the floating element relative to the reference element.

  placement: 'left',

12 strings are available:

type Placement =
  | 'top'
  | 'top-start'
  | 'top-end'
  | 'right'
  | 'right-start'
  | 'right-end'
  | 'bottom'
  | 'bottom-start'
  | 'bottom-end'
  | 'left'
  | 'left-start'
  | 'left-end';

The -start and -end alignments are logical and will adapt to the writing direction (e.g. RTL) as expected.


default: 'absolute'

This is the type of CSS position property to use. Two strings are available:

type Strategy = 'absolute' | 'fixed';
  strategy: 'fixed',

These strategies are differentiated as follows:

  • 'absolute' — the floating element is positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor. With most layouts, this usually requires the browser to do the least work when updating the position.
  • 'fixed' — the floating element is positioned relative to its nearest containing block (usually the viewport). This is useful when the reference element is also fixed to reduce jumpiness with positioning while scrolling. It will in many cases also “break” the floating element out of a clipping ancestor.


default: true

Whether to use CSS transforms to position the floating element instead of layout (top and left CSS properties).

  transform: false,

CSS transforms are more performant, but can cause conflicts with transform animations. In that case, you can make the positioned floating element a wrapper to avoid the conflict:

<div ref={refs.setFloating} style={floatingStyles}>
  <div style={transitionStyles}>Content</div>


default: []

An array of middleware objects that change the positioning of the floating element.

  middleware: [
    // ...

When you want granular control over how the floating element is positioned, middleware are used. They read the current coordinates, optionally alter them, and/or provide data for rendering. They compose and work together to produce the final coordinates which are in the floatingStyles object.

The following are included in the package:

Placement modifiers

These middleware alter the base placement coordinates.

  • offset modifies the placement to add distance or margin between the reference and floating elements.

  • inline positions the floating element relative to individual client rects rather than the bounding box for better precision.

Visibility optimizers

These middleware alter the coordinates to ensure the floating element stays on screen optimally.

  • shift prevents the floating element from overflowing a clipping container by shifting it to stay in view.

  • flip prevents the floating element from overflowing a clipping container by flipping it to the opposite placement to stay in view.

  • autoPlacement automatically chooses a placement for you using a “most space” strategy.

  • size resizes the floating element, for example so it will not overflow a clipping container, or to match the width of the reference element.

Data providers

These middleware only provide data and do not alter the coordinates.

  • arrow provides data to position an inner element of the floating element such that it is centered to its reference element.

  • hide provides data to hide the floating element in applicable situations when it no longer appears attached to its reference element due to different clipping contexts.

Option reactivity

When using React state and middleware, stateful values inside function options (useful when deriving from middleware state) aren’t fresh or reactive.

const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
// Reactive and fresh:
// Not reactive or fresh:
offset(() => value);

Calling a middleware function returns an object with an options key. These keys can hold the dependencies of the options object, allowing deep comparison to enable reactivity.

Here’s an example:

import {offset} from '@floating-ui/react';
function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
    middleware: [
      // Updates when `value` changes ✅
      // Does not update when `value` changes ❌
      offset(() => value),
      // Updates when `value` changes ✅
        ...offset(() => value),
        options: [value],

As a wrapper:

const reactiveOffset = (options, deps) => ({
  options: deps,
reactiveOffset(() => value, [value]);


default: undefined

An object of elements passed to the Hook, which is useful for externally passing them, as an alternative to the refs object setters.

The elements must be held in state (not plain refs) to ensure that they are reactive.

const [reference, setReference] = useState(null);
const {refs} = useFloating({
  elements: {
return (
    <div ref={setReference} />
    <div ref={refs.setFloating} />

You can also do the inverse of the above, or pass both externally.


default: undefined

A function that is called when the reference and floating elements are mounted, and returns a cleanup function called when they are unmounted.

  whileElementsMounted: (reference, floating, update) => {
    // ...
    return () => {
      // ...

This allows you to pass autoUpdate whose signature matches the option, to ensure the floating element remains anchored to the reference element:

import {autoUpdate} from '@floating-ui/react';
  whileElementsMounted: autoUpdate,


default: false

Whether the floating element is open or not, which allows you to determine if the floating element has been positioned yet.

const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const {isPositioned} = useFloating({
  open: isOpen,
// Once `isOpen` flips to `true`, `isPositioned` will switch to `true`
// asynchronously. We can use an Effect to determine when it has
// been positioned.
useEffect(() => {
  if (isPositioned) {
    // ...
}, [isPositioned]);

Return value

The Hook returns the following type:

interface UseFloatingReturn {
  context: FloatingContext;
  placement: Placement;
  strategy: Strategy;
  x: number;
  y: number;
  middlewareData: MiddlewareData;
  isPositioned: boolean;
  update(): void;
  floatingStyles: React.CSSProperties;
  refs: {
    reference: React.MutableRefObject<ReferenceElement | null>;
    floating: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>;
    domReference: React.MutableRefObject<Element | null>;
    setReference(node: RT | null): void;
    setFloating(node: HTMLElement | null): void;
    setPositionReference(node: ReferenceElement): void;
  elements: {
    reference: RT | null;
    floating: HTMLElement | null;


The final placement of the floating element relative to the reference element. Unlike the one passed in the options, this one can be mutated by middleware like flip(). This is necessary to determine the actual side of the floating element for styling.

const {placement} = useFloating();


The positoning strategy of the floating element.

const {strategy} = useFloating();


The final x-coordinate of the floating element. This can be used as an alternative to floatingStyles to manually position the floating element with custom CSS.

const {x} = useFloating();


The final y-coordinate of the floating element. This can be used as an alternative to floatingStyles to manually position the floating element with custom CSS.

const {y} = useFloating();


The data provided by any middleware used.

const {middlewareData} = useFloating();


Whether the floating element has been positioned yet when used inside an Effect (not during render). Requires the open option to be passed.

const {isPositioned} = useFloating();


A function that updates the floating element’s position manually.

const {update} = useFloating();


The styles that should be applied to the floating element.

const {floatingStyles} = useFloating();


The refs that should be applied to the reference and floating elements.

const {refs} = useFloating();


A ref for the reference element. You can access this inside an event handler or in an Effect.

const {refs} = useFloating();
useEffect(() => {
}, [refs]);


A ref for the floating element. You can access this inside an event handler.

For usage in Effects, prefer using elements.floating, since it’s not guaranteed the floating element will be available on the first pass.

const {refs} = useFloating();
// Inside an event handler:


A function that sets the reference element.

const {refs} = useFloating();
return <div ref={refs.setReference} />;


A function that sets the floating element.

const {refs} = useFloating();
return <div ref={refs.setFloating} />;


The elements as set by the refs, useful for access during rendering or when needing to reactively check if the element exists.

const {elements} = useFloating();


The reference element. May be virtual.

const {elements} = useFloating();


The floating element. Enables you to reactively check if the floating element exists inside Effects, notable when using <FloatingPortal>, as it won’t be available on the first pass.

const {elements} = useFloating();
React.useEffect(() => {
  if (!elements.floating) return;
  // ...
}, [elements.floating]);